Are you an innovative start-up looking for unique exposure to the top decision-makers in cybersecurity?

Les Assises is the place where decision-makers with projects and potential buyers "invited" meet: CIOs, CISOs, CTOs, network and telecom infrastructure managers, risk managers, etc., and the most advanced "partner" solution providers on the cyber market.

Les Assises Start-up Village

Les Assises startups village

Dedicated to innovation, the Startups Village highlights the most innovative young companies in cybersecurity. Strategically located at the heart of the event, startup participation offers unique visibility to the 1,470+ decision-makers attending the event.

Participating in Les Assises startup village gives you the opportunity to :

  • Meet qualified decision-makers who are all project leaders
  • Take advantage of networking opportunities at lunches and evenings reserved exclusively for participants at the event in Monaco
  • Develop your network during the Cercle evenings in Paris
  • Present your solution to the Assises community thanks to an ‘elevator pitch’, a pitch session offering unique visibility to participants.

Conditions of participation

  • Meet the strategic challenges cyber decision makers: CISO, CIO, Technical Director, Network and Telecom Infrastructure Manager, Risk Manager (...)
  • Company created after October 2017
  • Must never have participated in Les Assises as a partner-exhibitor
  • Propose an innovative solution tailored to cybersecurity players


Join Les Assises community!

The number of places in Les Assises Startups Village is limited each year, and companies wishing to join the community are asked to complete an application form.

Conditions for participation in the start-up village at the Assises