Conferences, keynotes and masterclasses
Opening conference
Opening the Before: a question of balance!
CISOs are tightrope walkers. Torn between their obligations and their means, between business understanding and operational reality, between the long view and the immediate response.... They must constantly adapt: in their profession, it's all a question of balance! To kick off this new edition of Before, we invite you to explore this notion of balance through 3 different but complementary prisms:
IA FRIENDLY: Proofpoint Keynote | How to keep attackers at bay?
With :
- Ryan Kalember, Executive Vice President, Cybersecurity Strategy, Proofpoint
- Loïc Guézo, Senior Director, Cybersecurity Strategy Europe, Proofpoint
DATA SECURITY: CNIL | Cybersecurity and RGPD: an (almost) faithful couple
With :
- Florent Della Valle, Head of CNIL's Technological Expertise Department
BREAKTHROUGH INNOVATION : Marjolaine Grondin | Successes and failures, breakthrough innovation has two parents
With :
- Marjolaine Grondin, CEO and Co-Founder, Jam
Closing conference
Vincent Dorival: dedication, awareness and resilience
With :
- Vincent Dorival, Président de l’Association ULTRAOPS
- Mélanie Bénard Crozat, Rédactrice en Chef de S&D Magazine et Impact For the Future
Roundtables and commissions
Anticipating cyber-attacks is a question of knowing your information system, its ecosystem, threats and enhanced surveillance
Moderated by Sophy Caulier, journalist
With :
- Thierry Auger, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Lagardère
- Olivier Ligneul, Cybersecurity Director, EDF Group
- Loïc Guézo, Senior Director of Cybersecurity Strategy for Europe, Proofpoint
- Alexis Caurette, Vice President Strategy and Marketing, Cyber Defense Solutions Business Unit, Thales
- Jean-Noël Hardelin, Strategic Accounts Manager, Recorded Future
Attack surface: how to identify it, analyze it, reduce it or live with it?
Moderated by Caroline Moulin-Schwartz, moderator
With :
- Michel Cazenave, Regional CSO & CISO France, Monaco, Maghreb, PWC
- Dominique Guiffard, Group CTO, Savencia Stéphanie Buscayret, Chief Information Security Officer, Groupe Latécoère
- Arnaud Legorjus, Strategy & Operations Director, Tanium
- Raja Mukerji, Co-founder and Chief Scientist, Extrahop
Developing an effective communications strategy for your Board and Comex: the new challenge for cybersecurity directors
Moderated by Mélanie Bénard Crozat, Editor-in-Chief, S&D Magazine and Impact For the Future
With :
- Patrick Ménez, Deputy Group CSO, Axa
- Fabrice Bru, DSSI, Groupement Les Mousquetaires
- Pierre Courbois, CEO, Bricorama Sillingy et Annemasse and member of the stime Board of Directors
- Laurent Vibert, Crisis communications expert and CEO, Nitidis
NIS2 regulations: the challenge of turning a threat into an opportunity?
Moderated by Garance Mathias, Partner, Mathias Avocats
With :
- Maricela Pelegrin-Bomel, National IS Security Manager, EFS
- Eric Vautier, Group CISO, ADP Group
- Benoit Fuzeau, CISO, Casden Banque Populaire
- Hervé Fortin, Group DPO, Servier
Incident response as part of a day-to-day cybersecurity strategy
Moderated by Jérôme Saiz, Corporate Protection Expert, OPFOR Intelligence
With :
- Eric Freyssinet, Général de brigade, Conseiller senior cyber au COMCYBERGEND
- Sébastien Bombal, Directeur technique du Ministère de l'Economie et des Finances
- Didier Gras, Group Chief Information Security Officer, BNP Paribas
- Blandine Delaporte, Solution Engineer Director, SentinelOne
- Frédéric Le Bastard, Responsable du Service de Lutte Contre la Cybercriminalité, Groupe La Poste
- Flavien Moutardier, Senior Sales Engineer, CrowdStrike
What does the future hold for IOT?
Moderated by Annick Rimlinger, Director Safety-Security, Cyber & DataProtection, Aéma Groupe
With :
- Stéphane Tournadre, ISS Director, Servier
- Stéphane Nappo, Vice President. Global Chief Information Security Officer, Groupe SEB
- Laurent Oudot, CTO & co-Founder, TEHTRIS
- Michel Séjean, Professor of Private Law and Criminal Sciences, Sorbonne Paris Nord University
Police and courts: catching and prosecuting cybercriminals
With :
- Myriam Quemener, Director, DPO, Agence Numérique de la Santé (Digital Health Agency)
- Anne Souvira, Commissaire divisionnaire honoraire, former head of the cyber mission at the Préfecture de Police
Digital CISO: moving beyond spreadsheets to structure the IS of cybersecurity!
With :
- Nadège Reynaud, Associate Director, TNP Consultants
SI vs digital threats: Round 2 - Fight!
With :
- Thomas Guilloux, Industrial Cybersecurity Expert & Associate Director of CSB.School